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Palestinian National Theater /Jerusalems old city 2009


A walk in the old city of Jerusalem.

On the inhabiting of a place. On being part of. On being there.
The audience is guided one by one through the old city of Jerusalem. With stimulations from text, sound and meetings with performers, the walk offered a different entrance into this place with such complex conditions and a multitude of visible and invisible boundaries.


A project in co-operation with the Palestinian National Theater, Jerusalem Cultural Capital 2009.


Artists involved:
Kristofer Krarup (guest director), Jacob Langaa Sennek and Vera Maeder.
From Jerusalem: Husam Abu Eisheh, Abd Al Salam Abdo, bisan Abu Eisheh, Ahed Izhiman, Ruba Bardawill, Rajae Sandoka, Majed Al Mani, Nadia Tadrus, Atta Nasser, Samer Abu Esheh amongst others.
The performance was developed in collaboration with the local artists in a 4 weeks process.

Supported by the Royal Danish Representative Office, DCCD and the Danish Arts Council.




co/ Copenhagen International Theatre

Refshalevej 163A, 1. sal

1432 København K





CVR: 31432960

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