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Kids create art for kids in public spaceSamværk festival /Copenhagen /Denmark
With simple means we created a sensorial journey on perspective, attempting to take you far away, right in your daily life surrounding. It was also a journey about meetings between kids that did not know each other, the adventure to meet a stranger.
Artists: Vera Maeder and Jacob Langaa SennekWith kids from 6. C Rødkilde Skole and their teacher Trine Ribert LarsenProduction: SamvaerkfestivalDates: 3 - 7 September 2012
Kids that created says:“It was fun to guide another kid that I did not know at all. And to tell each other what was exciting. That s at least what I found exciting.”“ I think that our journey made the other kids think about something’s. I don’t exactly know what but maybe some memories appeared”"I guided another kid. I did not know him before. I told her  to close the eyes.""I had prepared a journey with a smell, and in on  moment  the kid I guided could open the eyes, and there was small people sitting in between some stairs and waving at us. It was fun to try something new. I think I will never forget it, and the kids I guided no either.”
A kid that has been audience.“I went into a tent and put this in my ear ( headphones) and other kids told that if they had to travel far, they would take their friends, or hamster or computer…. I think a would bring my bike. Then there was sound of machines, we were like these astronauts, and flew into space… ”



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co/ Copenhagen International Theatre

Refshalevej 163A, 1. sal

1432 København K



CVR: 31432960

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