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Once in a ‘Blue Moon’ there is a new way to get to know your neighbours!

“Dance your neighbour” explores assembly, bodily empathy, meetings and the collective fabric. It is investigating how bodily and somatic potential can be included as a catalyst for generating “social glue” when addressing social sustainability and resilience through an art projects. 


Based on a series of interventions and activities developed in a 1 year co-creation process with the neighbours of the small city of Skjød. The activities included for example the building of a geodesic dome community hub for sharing, or a tradition for overnight stays in the local church with an interactive organ concert was established. 

Other offspring initiatives have been taken ownership by locals, such as a local food coop, a project of youngsters reviving democracy by radio transmissions and taking action for making the village an attractive place to be. 

In parallel movement workshops were held with people, reaching from elder homes, to language schools of people newly arrived, to working with kids. 

About 300 local people from different walks of life engaged in workshops for co-writing choreography based on daily life experience and moments that matter to us. 

The project concluded in October 2017 with opening a temporary local radio station and invitation for a 2 hours participatory performance and radio transmission. 

Moments that our body somehow remembers are transformed into audio instructions. Glimpses of life of someone remote come alive in each of us, and traces of a diversity of voices turn into a shared now, as our bodies move along to songs, sound and verbal instructions through our headphones. 

The project had its base in the small village of Skjød in Farverskov Kommune, just 40 km from Århus, and was part of Aarhus 2017 - European Capital of Culture


Opening and performances in Skjød, September 22 to October 5.
Performances in Copenhagen in Summer 2018.


co-creating artists:  Anu RajalaDaniel Norback,  Jacob Langaa-Sennek, Marga Socies, Merete ByrialPelle Skovmand, Vera Maeder. 

concept: Jacob Langaa-Sennek og Vera Maeder

A project created by hello!earth and co-produced by Dansehallerne in Copenhagen and Bora Bora -Dans og visuelt teater in Århus

Film about "Dans Din Nabo" in Skjød, DK by Christoffer Brekne

(Danish version below)

Dance your neighbour 2017 (English subs)
Afspil video

Danish vertion

Dans din Nabo -en anderledes folkefest(Danish)
Afspil video

Video teasers for Dans Din Nabo

Kanal 1
Dans Din Nabo Plakattrailer
Afspil video



co/ Copenhagen International Theatre
Refshalevej 163A, 1. sal
1432 København K. DENMARK
CVR: 31432960

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