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premier in June 2025

recipes and cooking
classes for the contemporary alchemist

healing combinations of mind and matter

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But sadly our bodies are not nutritious for the earth because of the chemical substances, medicines and poisons they contain.

It is sadly better to burn most of us than to give ourselves straight into the earth when we die” (Fin Joradao, biologist).​

Shocked by this quote, we feel the urge to ask: How to transform ourselves to nutrition, both on a level of spirit and on a level of matter - and how to become part of the healing of a damaged planet? How can the interventions we engage in become a collective felt organism of repair, care and regeneration?


CONTEMPORARY ALCHEMIST” is the title of hello!earth’s coming

works. A series of practice based co-creational labs on artistic grounds. Resulting

in several outputs: New artistic works in the shape of participatory choreographies

and immersive performances, along with workshops and D.I.T. /do-it-together formats.

The work investigates how we can deal with the irreversible impact introduced by

humans into geological time. It involves the audience in “Magicians labs’’ by becoming “contemporary alchemists” themselves. 

Each particular event is manifesting as a collective healing organism at a specific location and context, addressing both the material/ environmental, social-cultural, and mental level.

A playing field of re-schooling and un-schooling. Aligning our spirit and our earthly

existence into actions of care and repair. Practicing our entanglement, intra-connectedness and responsibility as co-habitants of the finite system earth.

Co-produced with Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium
Co-creating artists : 

Emil Sebastian Bøll, Daniel Norback, Jacob Langaa Sennek, Vera Maeder

More coming soon!



An extraordinary social experience, reclaiming the night as a collective magic and transformative space, dedicated to re-doing society and to explore the power of collective sleeping and dreaming.

A  D.I.T (do-it-together) version of "The Night -visioning a post capitalist society while we sleep"

Equipped with sleeping bags and toothbrushes a group of 10-30 people enter the overnight space, finding only a cargo box in the center of the room. Opening the box together, it reveals instructions, objects, sound-files and props. Everything needed to immerse collectively in a journey of visioning futures for the next 12 hours.


The execution of the performance is taking place collectively amongst the people present, immersing themselves in the series of actions, witnessing the arising situations, transformed spaces, conversations, movement rituals, temperature and moods, while holding the power to create and inhabit them by own choice.

The absence of the performer becomes an act of triggering a social situation of shared ability and responsibility, an assembly orchestrated and performed by the audience.

A designed situation, aiming at instigating a co-creation and investigation in the absence of performers and enhancing the presence, empowerment and ownership of the performance by the audience/ participants engaging in it.

THE NIGHT IN A BOX can ship to anywhere in the world, needing only few local material and practical resources.

The work is a cargo version of the h!e work "The Night -visioning a post capitalist society while we sleep" created in 2018.

Read about the original work here.


co/ Copenhagen International Theatre
Refshalevej 163A, 1. sal
1432 København K. DENMARK
CVR: 31432960

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