THE night
-visioning a post capitalist society while we sleep”
“The Night -visioning a post capitalist society while we sleep” offers an extraordinary experience, reclaiming the night as a collective magic and transformative space, dedicated to re-doing society and to explore the power of collective sleeping and dreaming.
Yes!... you are invited to be our overnight guests, and to be part of a 14 hours sensorial journey, where each night a group of 30 people surrender themselves to the unknown.
The fragile situation of spending a night together with strangers becomes a catalyst for deeper meetings and exchange.
“The Night” transforms the daily routines of going to bed, sleeping, dreaming, waking up again into a contemporary ritual dedicated to the first step in any change making: to let go of what we think we know and inhabit the present moment as a liminal space. A futuristic think tank, a meditative haven and a radically different ground from where to think, sense and act from, far away from the daily logic of productivity and effectiveness.
Throughout the night you may surrender yourself entirely to sleeping, or you may choose to be woken up for nocturnal explorations. When morning comes we meet, with the fragility and boundlessness of the night still deposited in our bodies for a conversation where dream logic inspires the collective imagination.
“The night- visioning a post capitalist society while we sleep” is premiered in 2018 in Pamplona and Copenhagen. The work pics up on different strands of post-capitalist thinkers like Charles Eisenstein, Gibson Graham and Otto Scharmer’s lab on transforming capitalism, as references to inspire and build from.
“*Exercises for revolutionaries” is the overall title of hello!earth works investigating the sensing body as an activist.
“Great that Hello!earth can light a small fire in our thoughts – pointing forward. An inspiring example of how the theatres these years increasingly use the force of theatre with a more extrovert, societal aim: to let actors and spectators meet physically in a common space. To use theatre to find out how we can act together in new types of communities is a good, basic-democratic exercise.“ Monna Dithmer, Politiken, DK 2018