"YOU MAY REST -a cooling action in an overheated system"
at Metropolis/DK
What would be at stake if resting together were valued as a part of our public lives, and we could rest whenever we needed to?
A pop up installation, a manifestation – a slow and silent collective practice to revalue the importance of rest and address the crises we face. The exhaustion of our planet, our social systems, our economy, and our bodies and minds.
August 27th, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM / Rådhuspladsen, Copenhagen
August 28th, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM / Christiansborg Slotsplads, Copenhagen
August 29th, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM / Rådhuspladsen, Copenhagen
August 30th, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM / Christiansborg Slotsplads, Copenhagen
More here: https://www.metropolis.dk/you-may-rest/
Co-produced by Metropolis - Københavns Internationale Teater
Supported by the Danish Arts Council

Research laboratory
"Cooking classes for the contemporary alchemist, healing combinations of mind and matter".
With Fin Jordeau, biologist PT/ Wales, Petja Ivanova, designer Berlin/DE,
Eki Tapio Vuori, theater director/ FIN, Jacob Langaa Sennek/ DK, Vera Maeder,DK, Maria Richter Simsek, change maker/ SE, Simone Vivo, kitchen & project assistance/ IT/ SE

Resting workshops
co- creation of the “Inspiration kit for resting in daily life”.
Workshops with Bybee, Produktionsskolen FGU- K.U.B.A, Stressfri Have, U.Kirken m.fl

workshop on the artistic research. Inspiration day/ LNU university, faculty of humanities

Book release
Tranformationer på kanten of samfundet- 14 creative and regenerative methods. Editors: Morten Svalgaard Nielsen and Christa Amhøj.
We contributed with a chapter, feel proud and honored.
And have a surprise for the release party...
Somatic labs/ research on new materialities/ in collaboration with Linne University Växjö climate emergency studies/ design +change

We will be in Riga / Latvia at the Festival for Contemporary Theater and contribute to the symposium BE PART on growing and sustaining community based initatives. Sept 6-8

A 3-days transdisciplinary workshop that explores the ecological potential of performance, performativity and eco-pedagogy addressed to artists, researchers, and pedagogues dealing with ecology, non-human relations, and sustainable futures! Sept 1-3
The workshop event takes place on the 1–3 September 2023 at Gylleboverket and the nearby Permaculture farm, Boat in the forest-Lilla Skräddaröd Gård.
Organized by The Department for Artistic Research in Performing Arts at Teaterhögskolan i Malmö, Agenda 2030 Graduate School (Lund University), and Gylleboverket. And we are happy to contribute with a mini lab/ keynote.

What is at stake when the idea of productivity as the primary form of progress turns obsolete and a space of condensed collective presence manifests?
A installation, a ritual, an immersive audio experience and meeting space in times of planetary exhaustion.
v 1.0
U-Kirke, Vesterbro, CPH June 22nd 19h

Performing Landscapes Laboratory
Art, nature and humans in an ecological threesome drama
Hello!earth will be amongst the contributing artists at this 2 day seminar.
We invite for the workshop “The sensing body as the activist” and talk a bit about our work and how the body can be catalyst for producing thought and become a transformative resource, a form of activism?
26-27 January, Metropolis invites you to Performing Landscapes Laboratory and puts the question: What is the role and the potential of art in a time of acute ecological crisis?
The programme will feature approx. 40 invited artists, curators, researchers and writers focusing on the relationship between art, nature, landscape and the human. How can we live and create more sustainably, meaningfully and in balance with our surroundings?
The laboratory is aimed at those interested in and concerned about current art, nature and climate issues, whether as a practicing artist, academic, professional, student or citizen.
Programme here:

A night in the trees
An overnight experience inviting you to enter into geological and biological time and becoming part of natural systems and their intelligence. Spending the night softly hanging in a hammock between the old large trees at a small island in the south Norwegian archipelago.
In collaboration with Ravnedans
June 3-8
A night time sleep and action radio
In collaboration with Metropolis/ Copenhagen International Theatre.
AUGUST 9-12 / 16-19 / 23-26
SHOWS AT 21h - 08h


The overnight D.I.T. manual for nighttime assemblies
-on how to make big changes while sleeping
The idea for compiling the D.I.T. Overnight Manual derives from a quest that started in 2016 to explore the potential of collective sleeping and visioning. The D.I.T. Overnight Manual- or how to make big changes while sleeping- is a co-created do-it-together manual meant to inspire overnight activities and sleepovers that can envision the futures we want to inhabit.
The festival is the first in-person meeting towards assembling the manual. Each artist contributes with an overnight-score, relating to themes such as #postcapitalism, #assembly, #dreamingpractices,
#embodiment, #contemporaryrituals.
For more information, visit: http://www.ica.uct.ac.za/.../ICA%20Live%20Art%20Festival...
Boaz Barkan-Denmark
Fernando Garcia Barros -Bolivia
Pia Bunglowala - India
Raya Zaida - Palestine
Shabari Rao - India
Vera Maeder- Denmark
Jacob Langaa-Sennek - Denmark
Juliana Restrepo - Colombia/Sweden
Supported by the Danish Arts Council for Performing Arts Statens Kunstfond

The Overnight Manual (Long distance version)
A co-created do-it-together manual to inspire overnight activities and sleepovers that can envision the futures we want to inhabit.
With artists form Bolivia, South Africa, Palestina, India and Denmark.
October- November 2021
A night in the trees
An overnight experience inviting you to spend the night softly hanging in a hammock between the old large beech trees at Liselund Park. Entering into geological and biological time and becoming part of natural systems and their intelligence.
In collaboration with Metropolis/ Copenhagen International Theatre and
Opens July 30 and runs throughout August

A night time sleep and action radio
In collaboration with Metropolis/ Copenhagen International Theatre. June 1 also presented at CPH STAGE
MAY 18 - JUNE 22

Contributing to “Transformationer på kanten af samfundet”
-an anthology edited by Christa Breum Amhøj and Morten Svalgaard Nielsen. Aktionsuniversitet
A reflection on the h!e work "The night -visioning a post capitalist society while we sleep" (in process)

in Bolivia/ Martadero
Post-poned due to COVID

at Sismograph Festival Olot,
Post-poned due to COVID

in South Africa ICA's Live Art Festival in Cape Town
Post-poned due to COVID

We are happy to be part of the external team for giving feedback on the design
for the new Educatorium space at The Danish Center for Architecture. www.dac.dk

Post-poned due to COVID

Part of teaching teams at Linneaus University, design+change, Växjö, Sweden. Sharing approaches and practices rooted in somatic knowledge, collaborative artistic practice and participatory works, in the field of design & social change amongst other.

"Life in the Universe -a gathering for animals, people and minerals" on a meadow in Switzerland at La Bâtie Festival in Genève. https://www.batie.ch

"IN IT TOGETHER -the complex equation of empathy"
A brand new work opening at Close Encounters Festival at DEN FRIE / Dansehallerne in Copenhagen.
*Exercises for revolutionaries #3
Equipped with headphones together with 35 other people you are guided through a sequences of simple gestures and movements.The soundscape invites you to inhabit a number of significant life moments and fragments of personal experiences gathered from a diverse group of people from near and far.
A contemporary ritual dedicated to the experience of a collective body and the expansion of our radius of empathy.
The events at Den Fri is simultaneously broadcasted live via a local radio station, extending the collective experience and giving everyone within a radius of 8 km the opportunity to listen in -and to join the experience from their own livingroom.
*Exercises for revolutionaries is a series of hello!earth works, collectively exploring the sensing body as an activist.
APRIL 4 - 7

Design+Change Linneaus University Växjö, Sweden
Vera is teaching performative approaches to design at this awesome line dedicated to educate change makers, radical thinkers and colourful new beginnings by offering a wide range of practices, and courageous spaces for experimentation. Dedicated to using design for achieving changes towards futures of sustainability. For example in a course with Anna Wachtmeister and Modan from Amiralsstaden Malmoe as partners engaged in urban development and social sustainability .https://hallbarstad.se/amiralsstaden/kunskapsallianser-utvecklar-amiralsstaden/ https://deskgram.net/explore/tags/amiralsstaden

"The gentle body as an activist" at Kunsthall Charlottenborg in Copenhagen. kunsthalcharlottenborg.dk/
Inspired by our latest work “THE NIGHT- visioning a post-capitalist society while we sleep” we invite into a short joint laboratory of 30 min relating to this aspect of the work, followed by a talk.
Part of the program CHOREOGRAPHY IN ACTION/ Dansehallerne / dansehallerne.dk
How would big politics look like, if it was shaped by the sensing body?
How to offer conditions, where the body is invited to inhabit complex and paradoxical questions and seemingly abstract topics such as economy, environmental or social issues?
How can the body be catalyst for producing thought and become a transformative resource, a form of activism?
OCTOBER 8 - 19:00

we are at SIGNAL conference on urban interventions in Brussels.
http://cifas.be/en/workshops/signal-7 / http://www.cifas.be/en/signal
Together with Chantal Mouffe (BE/UK), Joanna Warsza (PL/DE), Tunde Adefioye (BE), Mattin (ES), Dmitry Vilensky & Olga Egorova / Chto Delat (RU), Siniša Labrović (HR), Katrien Verwilt Metropolis - Københavns Internationale Teater & Vera Maeder / Hello!earth (DK), Mike Ribalta /FiraTàrrega (ES), Floriane Gaber (BE/FR), Stephen Collins/University of the West of Scotland (UK) & Michael Gustavsson/Uppsala University (SE)
This years topic: the joy of disagreement

METROPOLIS: JUNE 7.8.9 / 29,30 and JULY 1


"The Night -visioning a post capitalist society while we sleep" in Pamplona, Spain
April/ May we will be in Pamplona in the north of spain in residency at the DNA festival - our final rehearsal period for
"THE NIGHT- visioning a post- capitalist society while we sleep. “
Performances May 5 to 11 at DNA festival, Pamplona

"The Night -visioning a post capitalist society while we sleep"Research
February 22 - March 9, 2018 we're at Forsøgstationen Copenhagen in relation to "The Night" researching "Intention and open fields in participatory performance making”
co-creating artists: Boaz Barkan,Emma Cecilia Ajanki- Allende, Marga Socias, Jacob Langaa Sennek, Vera Maeder

Teaching at Linneaus Universtiy Vaksjø, Sweden
"Bodily approaches and intervention design towards action research and mapping"
October 30 - 31, 2017 we're teaching a workshop at Linneaus Universtiy as part of the Design and Change Programme.

Once in a ‘Blue Moon’ there is a new way to get to know your neighbours!
In “Dance your neighbour” turns into a local radio station, broadcasting both into homes in the area and people that meet for the performance. Glimpses of life of someone remote come alive in each of us, and traces of a diversity of voices turn into a shared now, as our bodies move along to songs, sound and verbal instructions through our headphones.
“Dance your neighbour” explores assembly, bodily emapthy, meeting and the collective fabric. It builds on activities with neighbourhoods and movement workshops. About 160 local people from different walks of life engage in workshops for co-writing choreography based on daily life experience and moments that matter to us.
The project opens in the small village of Skjød in Farverskov Kommune, just 40 km from Århus and is as part of Aarhus 2017 - European Capital of Culture
Performances in Skjød, September 22 to October 4.
English performance on September 23 and after talk about the role of arts in relation to social sustainability and potential of the body -with Zeenath Hassan, social designer, Efva Lilja, choreographer and leader of Dansehallerne CPH, Ludvig Duregård, sociologist.
Created by hello!earth and Co-produced by Bora Bora in Århus and Dansehallerne in Copenhagen
Performances in Copenhagen: summer 2018

July 24th – 28th 2017 at BIRCA, Bornholm, DK
Hello!earth and Kai Schoppe invites you to a 5-day workshop combining dreaming practice with bodily practice / Qui Gong.
For us the workshop is a study in relation to our upcomming work “The night -visioning a post capitalist society while we sleep” but the workshop is open to anyone interested in the subject of lucid dreaming.
"Lucid dreaming - Lucid living - Dream Yoga practises for becoming aware and awake!
This workshop is designed to train and use our awareness in different mental states. One of the main goals of the dream yoga is to combine the dreaming/sleeping state with the waking state, so that there is no gab between the two." Kai Schoppe
July 5, 2017. We collaborate on designing an action research session in urban space titled "wild disciplines and dirty knowledge - towards better organisations” taking place within the int. conference on organisational development EGOS.
With wonderful people from CBS Copenhagen such as Christa Amhøj, Oleg Kofod, Kajsa Li Paludan, Paula Helth, a. o.
“Inspired by the Canadian Senselab this event raises the question: How is the good organization given vital form in a time of a-disciplinarity, where dirty knowledge and wild disciplines is being cultivated between formal roles, silos, organizations, communities and geographical places and in/through our vibrant urban spaces?And how do this kind of ‘good organization’ on the edge of our formal organizations re-create our understandings of agency for those involved – e.g. leaders, makers, shakers, researchers or all of those combined?”

CONFERENCE RECCORD: Rethinking Cultural Participation
MAJ 17, 2017 European Cultural Centers meet to discuss their research process on civic engagement and cultural participation. We share experiences from hello!earth projects and a sneak preview workshop on the current work under development: “Dance your neighbour” -a project on co- writing choreography with people from different walks of life.
Conference at Dansehallerne May 31, 2017
How does the involvement of citizens, communities and audiences in art projects influence artwork, artists and arts institutions? we will share our current working process of Dance your neighbour- a project on co-writing choreography
with people from all walks of life.

We’re happy to welcome Eduardo as the creative producer for hello!earth. Eduardo is a long time friend and former artistic and executive director of Festival Panorama in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We share with Eduardo a common interest and drive to work in the cross field between art, activism and life and we're looking forward to lots of adventures together!
This is what he looks like when you call him!

Mail Eduardo at: edu@helloearth.cc
DANS DIN NABO (Dance your neighbor)/ Process sharing at Dansehallerne, Copenhagen
Touched by the first process-sharing with workshop participants at Dansehallerne/ CPH.
Glimpses of life of someone remote come alive in each of us and traces of a diversity of voices turn into a shared now, as our bodies move along to songs, sound and verbal instructions we hear through our headphones.
About 60 local people from different walks of life engaged in workshops for co-writing choreography based on daily life experience and moments that matter to us, moments that our body somehow remembers were transformed into audio instructions.
This is one step in the larger project “ Dance your neighbour” that explores assembly, bodily emapthy, meeting and the collective fabric. It builds on activities with neighbourhoods and movement workshops leading up to a participatory artwork.
The project continues in the small village of Skjød in Farverskov Kommune, 40 km from Århus from May to October 2017 as part of Arhus Cultural Capital 2017
co-creating artists: Anu Rajala, Ana Paula Albé, Daniel Norback, Jacob Langaa-Sennek, Marga Socies, Merete Byrial, Pelle Skovmand, Vera Maeder. concept: Jacob Langaa-Sennek og Vera Maeder
A project created by hello!earth and co-produced by Dansehallerne in Copenhagen and Bora Bora -Dans og visuelt teater in Århus
Photos: Asger Hunov / UCC and doublExpose/ Vahid
A few photos from the sharing at Dansehallerne:

4- 8 December 2016
we participate at IN SITU european network for location based arts event hothouse in Neerpelt, Brussels.
One week of thinking together of makers and curators.
Thank you to Copenhagen International Theater for the invitation!

Research lab/ residency and process showing at Graner, Barcelona
As preparation to our upcoming project “THE NIGHT -visioning a post capitalist society while we sleep".
A participatory work exploring the visioning force of sleeping and dreaming in a shared space.
We engage in a 3 week research lab evolving around new visions for organising economy and community.
Qualities of relation, exchange and sharing are questioned and translated into an embodied quest. Taking into account the fragile space of meeting after sleeping and dreaming in a shared space.
The residency/research lab concludes with a showing/sharing of our findings.
Artists: Marga Socias, performance maker, BCN / Mar Medina Dias, Dancer/performer, BCN / Jacob Langaa Sennek, visual design /
Vera Maeder, choreography/direction and Inge Agnete Tarpgård, dramaturgy/documentation, DK / Suvi leppanen, assistant, FI / Kirsten Kaagaard, intern DK.
Thanks to the Danish Arts Council, Graner,BCN and Sismograf Festival, Olot for making this possible.

OPEN Process sharing and labatory
-on exploring visioning, sleeping and dreaming in a shared space
We invite for an overnight stay at Forsøgsstationen in Copenhagen, where we will share our findings and questions from the process of working towards our upcoming project “THE NIGHT -visioning a post capitalist society while we sleep”, We invite for a mini-seminar on the following morning, with inputs and perspectives from guest speakers.
Forsøgsstationen / Sønder Blvd. 81 / 1720 Copenhagen V

"LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE-a gathering for animals people and minerals"
performing at CPH STAGE festival/ Copenhagen
June 6 at 16h
June 7 at 16 and 20h
(The only 3 shows in Denmark in 2016)
hello!earth invites you to a social event, a sensory nature experience, an audio walk, a joined laboratory, an excursion. A party.
A sensory and poetic exploration of our possibilities to organise ourselves as a collective and as a society. In nature, with nature, as nature.
Press release may 2016

"Sanseudflugter" at Rødkilde Skole in Copenhagen
One- week workshop with 4th grade students, educating them to be "sensory guides”. The workshop concludes with 2 days of performances- showing and sharing their new learned skills with other kids.
A “Huskunstnerprojekt” funded by the Danish Arts Council and in collaboration with Åben Skole/ City of Copenhagen.
Artists: Vera Maeder / Maria Striim / Jacob Langaa-Sennek
Teacher: Trine Ribert Larsen

Teaching at Helsinki Arts Academy
We're teaching a workshop on exploring liminal states of mind in participatory performance making, including research on dreaming process, visioning.
The workshop is part of the preparation for the next h!e project “The Night”
At The Helsinki Arts Academy we teach together with our collaborator Eero Tapio Vuori.
Working time: after midnight.

On tour!
"LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE-a gathering for animals people and minerals"
At Sismograph Festival/ Olot/ Catalunya/ Spain.
April 1. at 4:30pm (English version)
April 2. at 10:30am and 4:30pm (Catalan version)
April 3. at 10:30am and 4:30pm (Catalan version)

"Dance your neighbour!"
First visit to the small village of Skjød, just outside Århus, DK.
As part of The European Cultural City 2017 in Århus, DK, hello!earth is creating a brand new participatory work in cooperation with Bora Bora. It’s a work where the audience, guided by movement scores and sound, literally will get the opportunity to dance the lives, memories, dreams and aspirations of the inhabitants of this lovley small town.
We’re looking much forward to start shaping this event together with the people of Skjød.
The performance will be part of the Bora Bora program in 2017, and we promise to tell you much more about it soon.
Until then "Keep dancing!"

Research lab/ recidency
A 2 week research lab as preparation to our upcomming project “THE NIGHT -visioning a post capitalistic scoceity while we sleep"
We're at Vestjyllands Højskole researching on how to include dream states in participatory performance making.
Artists: Marga Socias, performance maker based in Barcelona, Sven Bernsmeister, musician based in Berlin, Jacob Langaa Sennek ,visual design and Vera Maeder, choreography/direction and Inge Agnete Tarpgård, dramaturgy/documentation, based in CPH.
Thank you to the Danis Arts Council and Vestjyllands Højskole for making this possible.

Dreaming retreat
Vera is going to be off line for 1 week from October 23 to 30 and works with different sleeping and dreaming techniques at a place in the Catalonian Mountains, Spain.

Researching contemporary rituals
Working with rituals together with Eero Tapio Vuori and Janni Petteri Olkkonen in the finish woods.
wild. calm. full. joyous. woods. caves. connection. sharing. reflection.
Do you need a ritual? Grab the chance to work with these inspiring and lovely people.
Check them out here: http://ritualartrenaissance.org/
h!e artists: Inge Agnete Tarpgaard, Vera Maeder and Jacob Langaa Sennek.

Vidensdeling / sharing session at Dansehallerne
Projektkontoret Dansehallerne in Copenhagen invites for a sharing session on working internationally and funding possibilities.
Vera Maeder from hello!earth on thinking the international aspect into the essence of the artwork.
Marie Topp, on residencies and collective participation.
Emma Cecilia Ajanki on nordic residencies and platforms.
Thilde Maria Kristensen on participation in international platforms.
Hanne Sveijstrup on working together from the producers point of view.
Ane Alsløv from the Danish Arts Council on funding strategies.

Bordskikke II
2nd part of a research on making economy tangible and researching alternative alternatives through table rules and sharing a dinner at Astrid Noaks Atelier.
Process sharing 13th-14th August h19, Rådmansgade 34 København. Come hungry!
Thank you to Astrid Noaks Atelier for supporting.
By Sara Hamming and Vera Maeder

"LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE-a gathering for animals people and minerals".
A participatory choreography for 30 people at Dansehallerne/Frie Felt Festival, CPH Stage
June 11- 14 at 17h .
Daniel Norback, co-creating artists
Vera Maeder, co-creating artists
Jacob Langaa Sennek, co-creating artists
Pelle Skovmand, composer and sound
Gry Guldager, performer
Ariana Jordao, biologist/activist, dramaturge
Jon Gelting, technique